My Passion & More…

First a bit about myself.

I collect South African Police and have now narrowed it down to South African Police from 1913, after South Africa became a union, to 1994 when the South African Police (S.A.P.) was replaced by the current South African Police Services (S.A.P.S.).
I further have a passion for HISTORY and especially military and law enforcement history but read anything history related. We have now lived in five different countries on three different continents, and I always made sure I get a firm knowledge of the history and military history of the country I am living in. France was a highlight as I were able to visit the WW1 and WW2 battlefields. The WW1 Battlefield is very special to me, and it was a poignant, but honoured emotion for me every time I visited Delville Wood, the South African memorial and well-known battle. Over 2000 men were told to hold this small piece of land at all costs and after a few days less than 200 walked out without conceding the ground. I visited the Somme in all seasons and weather conditions, and you really get an understanding for the hardship those guys went through. They were tough; not only did they face constant bombardment and battle, but they also had to deal with the weather conditions and the terrain.
Why do I talk about the current South African Police Services as a new police service?
Many will see the SAPS as a continued police force/service, but the current government made it clear it is a new beginning of a new police service. They are currently still recognizing members previous service as far as long service and medals are concerned, but they did not celebrate it as a centenary in 2013 and consider the SAPS as only being 30 years old this year (2024). We thus must see the SAP (1913 – 1994) and the SAPS (1994 to current) as different police entities.

My blogs will start with the history of policing in South Africa, and I will go beyond the current police history, which for most starts with European settlement in 1652. I will look at what was there before that time and go outside the box. Please accept that everything is my views and how I read the history.

Next time: Part 1: Short history of the creation of South Africa.


Part 1: Short history of the creation of South Africa.